What is WordPress?

Unique & Open Source

Powering over 810 million sites, which is over 43% of all websites in existence, there is bound to be a solution for every business using the WordPress eco-system.

What is WordPress?.

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) which is essentially an online database with forms to edit content, and a pre-defined mechanism to present the data as webpage content.

WordPress might be seen simply as one of a number of free, open-source PHP-based CMS platforms. This, however, tells almost none of the story.

By virtue of ease of deployment, ease of use and, primarily, ease of extensibility the popularity of WordPress has risen beyond that of any other platform and with that popularity the explosion of thousands of sophisticated and powerful plugins make WordPress usable for any company of any size.

What is WordPress
What is WordPress and why use it?​ 1

Why WordPress is a preferred enterprise solution.

When considering a digital property for a website, choosing a platform that is scalable gives the business greater flexibility to adapt and expand when necessary.

That’s one of the great things about WordPress; it can be fully customized to meet the needs of the enterprise. With the ability to extend the platform using a myriad of plugins as well as custom coding, WordPress provides a framework for enterprises to build upon the base platform in order to accommodate their needs. This is also beneficial for administrators of the site because it gives them total control over what gets added to the platform.

Strong support for core web vitals & front-end performance.

This is one area where WordPress as an enterprise-grade project really shines. The popularity of WordPress is driven by the comprehensive nature of its plugins and the agility with which those plugins can be deployed and updated, especially when it comes to front-end enhancements for performance and elements like Google’s Core Web Vitals.

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A foundation to expand.

Using WordPress as an online “database with forms”, data from user interactions taking place on the website can be sent to other systems using a variety of methods.

Our experts have deep experience in integrations and automations using API  and software automation tools, to leverage cost savings by reducing labour requirements and delivering a significant decrease in user error.

We can assist with Lead Capture, App Development and deployment as the content manager, and craft practically any solution.

Make the best choice for your website.